Glory to God Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel
which being interpreted is, God with us (Mathew 1:23)

ها إن العذراء تحبل وتلد ابنًا ويُدعى اسمه عمانوئيل، أي "الله معنا" (متى1: 23)
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In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen

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Sunday Dec. 31, 2006 (55 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,146 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Anthem dedicated for the New Year (Byzantine)
2) Bible reflection with Fr. Nadim Battikh (Mark 1:1-8)
3) Hymn: Dawou Dinye Chmou3 (Fr. Fadi Tabit)
4) Do you know why we say "Kyrie Eleison"?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Al Kalima Sara Jasadan (Nizar Faris)
6) Seneksar: Saint Bassilios (1 January)
7) Hymn: Anthem dedicated to Saint Bassilios (Byzantine)
8) Hymn: Anthem dedicated to Saint Bassilios (Byzantine)
9) Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh concerning the Horoscope and the Astrology
10) Hymn: Ya mariam L bari2a min L khati2a L asliya (Majida Roume)
Sunday Dec. 24, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,408 KB)
The show include:
Note: This show is dedicated to Christmas it includes mostly Christmas Hymns
1) Hymn: miladouka ayoha l massih (Byzantine)
2) Hymn: Laylit 3id (Fairouz)
3) Epistle of Christmas (Byzantine)
4) The Gospel of Christmas (Byzantine)
5) Hymn: Laylata el Milad
6) Hymn: ta3ala baynana
7) Hymn: nejmet 3id
8) Hymn: sawt el 3id (Fairouz)
9) Hymn: al yawm youladou
10) Hymn: i3tarifou lil rab (Andre Brahim, Byzantine)
11) Hymn: al-massi7 woulida fa magedouh (Andre Brahim, Byzantine)
12) Hymn: al yawm al masi7 youlad (Andre Brahim, Byzantine)
13) Hymn: haloma ayoha el-mou2menein (Andre Brahim, Byzantine)
14) Hymn: Inna moukhlisouna (Andre Brahim, Byzantine)
15) Hymn: al-yawma l batoul
16) Hymn: limaza tata3ajabina ya mariam
17) Hymn: Emmanuel
Sunday Dec. 17, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,339 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Arsal allah Ibnahou Yasou3
2) Bible reflection with Fr. Nadim Battikh (Luke 14:16-24)
3) Hymn: 3azimi ya nafsi man hia akramou Kadran
4) Do you know why we celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: inna L lazi la yasa3ouhou L Koul
6) Saint Ghnatious (20 December)
7) Hymn: Ta3a Yasou3
8) Sir Tajasoud w manef3o, by Nicholas
9) Hymn: Miladak Ya Rabbi
10) Hymn: Al Majdou Laka Ayouha L massi7
11) Hymn: Ifrahi Ya 43arouss La 3arouss Laha
12) Hymn: Emmanuel
Sunday Dec. 10, 2006 (55 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,152 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: 2albi mhayya mghara
2) Bible reflection with Fr. Nadim Battikh (Luke 13:10-17)
3) Hymn: Sub7an al kalima
4) Do you know why we call the mass Ifkharistya?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Basmi salam w 7obb
6) Saint Daniel (11 December)
7) Hymn: Ya ru3atan Khabirouna
8) Interview with Father Nadim Battikh concerning the Christmas tree and its decoration
9) Hymn: al yawm l azra2 ta2ti ila l maghara
10) Hymn: Nahnou Sahiroun
11) Hymn: Arsala Allahou Ibnahou Yasou3
12) Hymn: Ya Mariam L bikrou
13) Hymn: B day3a zghiri minsiye
Sunday Dec. 3, 2006 (55 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,203 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: ya mariam ya aghla imm
2) Bible reflection with Fr. Nadim Battikh (Luke 18:35-43)
3) Hymn: Ir7amny ya Allah
4) Do you know why during the mass, the priest makes a turn holding the bible?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Izhabou fi L ardi koulliha
6) Saint Barbara (4 December)
7) Hymn: touba li rru7ama2i
8) Interview with Father Nadim Battikh Concerning the Euthanasia (mercy killing)
* Euthanasia: The act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment
9) Hymn: Aamedni Bel Nar
10) Hymn: Shou helwe Ssama
Sunday Nov. 26, 2006 (55 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,300 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Aalimna Ya Rabbi
2) Bible reflection with Fr. Nadim Battikh (Luke 18:18-27)
3) Hymn: Alla Min
4) You know why the bible calls Jesus the firstborn son?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: li anahou hakaza a7abba Allahou L 3alam
6) Saint Jacob the Persian (22 Nov)
7) Interview with Father Nadim Battikh Concerning the abortion
Sunday Nov. 19, 2006 (55 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,409 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Yasou3 Anta Ilahi
2) Bible reflection with Fr. Ghattas Hajjal (Luke 12:16-21)
3) Hymn: Mitl L Ibn Lchater
4) You know why we use incense frankincense Backhour and Mabkhara?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: 7aml al kawn 7mlti
6) Interview with Father Ghattas Hajjal Concerning the Same sex Marriage
7) Hymn: wassaya
8) Hymn: 3oursa el hamal
Sunday Nov. 12, 2006 (55 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,406 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: bi chafa3iti walidatat al ilah (Byzantine)
2) Bible reflection with Claude Khourie (Luke 10:25-37)
3) Hymn: 3alika ittakaltu (Nizar Fares)
4) Do you know why we light candles?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: sham3a w injeel w Soura (Fr. Fadi Tebit)
6) Saint John Patriarch of Alexandria (12 Nov 2006)
7) Hymn: Yasou3 anta ilahi (by Joumana Mdawar)
8) Reflection on the happiness from Saint Therese (A reflection by Fr. Johnny Maroun)
9) Hymn: Emmanuel
Sunday Nov. 5, 2006 (55 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,091 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ma doumtou a7ya (Majida L roumi)
2) Bible reflection with Claude Khourie(Luke 16:19-31)
3) Hymn: rabbi bi3adlak same7 znoubi (Fr. Fadi Tabit)
4) Do you know why we say of Boulous and sometimes Chawwoul?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Fi Zoulli himayatouki (Fr. Mansour Labaki)
6) Saint Paul the confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople
7) Hymn: fi wakt dou3fi
8) Al 7ayat bel Massi7 (a reflection by Claude abi haidar)
8a) Hymn: akhbirni man ana
8b) Hymn: moubarak ya rab
Sunday Oct. 29, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,396 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Malik Al Mahabbi
2) Bible reflection with Maurice Aweed (Luke 8:41-56)
3) Hymn: Ayouha L Malik AL Samawi (Byzantine)
4) Do you the meaning of the word Jehova?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: ya Mariam ya aghla imm (by Father Fadi Tebit)
6) Today we are celebrating Jesus the king day
7) Hymn: Kint al malik mn a'bl ma kanou al mlouk
8) The perfection (a reflection by Lina L miir)
8a) Hymn: Ya Ilah L khayr (Majida L Roume)
8b) Hymn: Noumajidouka, Noubarikouka
8c) Hymn: 3indak ya yasou3 l kilme l bitnajjie
Sunday Oct. 22, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,334 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ya om Alla (by Feirouz)
2) Bible reflection with Claude Khoury (Luke 8:26-39)
3) Hymn: Ayuha samou7ou (Fr. Mansou Labaki)
4) Do you the meaning of the word Halleluiah?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: halkawn hallal (by Father Fadi Tebit)
6) Life Story of Saint Elarion
7) Hymn: Menkoun kilna 2idissin (Agapeč)
8) Interview with Father Georges Balliki about the commitment
9) Hymn: Fi haza L masa2 (Majida L Roume)
Sunday Oct. 15, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,551 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: gherbe (by Fr. Fadi Tebit)
2) Bible reflection with Father Ghattas Hajjal (Luke 8:5-15)
3) Hymn: Kouddous (Byzantine)
4) Do you the meaning of the number 888?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: A3tina Rabbi (by Majida Roume)
6) Life Story of Saint Luke the evangelist
7) Hymn: Nchalla L Am7a (Fr. Mansour Labake)
8) Interview with Father Ghattas Hajjal about the Family
Sunday Oct. 08, 2006 (55 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,158 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: ya ghafi (by Majida L Roume)
2) Bible Study with Father Nadim Batikh. (Luke 7:11-16)
3) Hymn: Ya Mar Charbel Iddis Allah (by Wadih Ssafe)
4) Do you the meaning of the number 666?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Life Story of Saint Charbel
6) Hymn: Ya Charbel Salli Aanna
7) Miracle to Nouhad L Cheme
8) Hymn: 2diss Charbel Chou 2adir (Saint Rita Choir)
9) Interview with the MCYO (Melkite Cathlic Youth Organization)
10) Hymn: Bwab L Sama (by Nicholas Osta)
Sunday Oct. 01, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,344 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Sehran kell L layl (by Fr. Fadi Tebit) 2) Bible Study with Father Nadim Batikh. (Luke 6:31-36) 3) Hymn: 7ibb L3alam metel ma by7ibak l rabb (Agapeč) 4) Do you know why during the Maronite mass people will shake hands to give the peace of Jesus while in the Byzantine mass only the priests will shake hands for the same cause? - Father Nadim will explain it to us 5) Life Story of martyr Gabriyanos and Saint Yostina 6) Hymn: Bihaza qad 3arafna l ma7abba (by Shabibat Al Mokhalles) 7) Interview with Father Georges Ballike, president of Saint Paul monastery (in Harissa), and the responsible of Al-Masarra magazine. 8) Hymn: Ya Adra ya Imm L kell (Saint Mary Choir Dubai) 9) Hymn: Emmanuel
Sunday Sept 24, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,253 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Shou jdidak inta w Alla (by Fr. Fadi Tebit)
2) Bible Study with Father Nadim Batikh. (Luke 5:1-11)
3) Hymn: Lamma yasou3 byed3iq
4) News from our Churches in Ottawa
5) Hymn: Ayatohou L batoulou Mariam (Fr. Tony L Khawli)
6) Life Story of Saint Takla
7) Hymn: Ktar Ktir L Nass (by Azar Habib)
8) Continuing the discussion with Father Nadim concerning the confession and an explanation of the word Secret.
9) Hymn: I3tarifu Lil Rab li anahou Salihoun (by Saint Elias Parish Choir)
Sunday Sept 17, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,339 KB)
The show include:
* Hymn: Khaliss ya rab cha3bak (Byzantine)
* Hymn: Ya mann roufi3a 3ala Ssalib (Byzantine)
1) Hymn: Hal Kawn Hallal (Fr. Fady Tebit)
2) Bible Study with Father Nadim Batikh. (Mark 8: 34 -9:1)
3) Hymn: 3arafta (Fr. Mansour Labaki)
4) Do you know why the bishop remove the Crown at specific moment during the mass?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Mariam ya Githarat L Sama2 (Majida L Roumi)
6) News from our Churches in Ottawa
7) Hymn: Ya walidat l ilah (Byzantine)
8) Story of Exaltation of the Holy Cross
9) Hymn: 3ammanou2il (Coptic - Egypt)
10) Topic of the day: The confession (including three opinions)
Sunday Sept 10, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,183 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ya mariam ya aghla Imm (by Fr. Fadi Tabit)
2) Bible Study with Father Nadim Batikh. (John 3: 13-17)
3) Hymn: hakaza ahab allah al3alam (by Wadi3 Ssafi)
4) Do you know the meaning of the word heterodoxy, Harta2a?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Ya mariamu l bikrou (by St. Elias Parish Choir)
6) News from our Churches in Ottawa
7) Hymn: Chlomlekh Mariam (Syriac, by Majida L roume)
8) Life Story of Mother Theodora
9) Hymn: Ya awwal ennabe3
10) The birth of the new Eve (The Virgin Mary)
11) Hymn: Oumma L Ilah Ya Batoul
12) Hymn: L Ard L Ssalla 3layha Alla (by Fr. Tony Khawle)
13) Hymn: Fi Zoulli himayoutiki (by St. Elias Parish Choir)
Sunday Sept 03, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,540 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ya Adra Jina L 3indik
2) Bible Study with Father Nadim Batikh. (Mathieu 21: 33-44)
3) Hymn: ma3ana Houwa Llah (Byzantine)
4) Do you know why in the Byzantine rite the priest will turn his face to the Sacrament but in the western rite he will turn toward the people?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Ana Nadmaan
6) News from our Churches in Ottawa
7) Hymn: Our Father, Abaana (by Wadi3 Ssafi)
8) Life Story of Saint Simaan L 3amoude
9) Hymn: Saoum w Ssala
10) Continue of the story of Kehin Baynetna (19 of 19, Final)
Sunday August 27, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,570 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Hananaka Ya Rabba L Akwani
2) Bible Study with Father Nadim Batikh. Mathieu 19: 16-26
3) Hymn: Outrouk koulla chai2in wa tba3ni
4) Do you know the meaning the word Church?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Al-Rouhou Yajma3ouna
6) News from our Churches in Ottawa
7) Hymn: Ya Mariamou Ya naya Al7ani sSama
8) Life Story of Saint Pemen Pasteur
9) Hymn: Nshalla Lamha Li Nzara3it bi 2loubna
9) Continue of the story of Kehin Baynetna 18 of 19
10) Hymn: Kama yashtakou L ayilou
Sunday August 20, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,301 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Amantou Rabi
2) Bible Study with Father Nadim Batikh. (Mathieu 18: 23-35)
3) Hymn: Al-Wassaya (10 commandments)
4) Do you know the meaning the word Amen?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Al-Rabou Ra3ia
6) News from our Churches in Ottawa
7) Hymn: Chou Helou nitla2a sawa
8) Life Story of Saint Moussa L Habashi (Moses the Ethiopian)
9) Hymn: Inta Qameen fiq tqoun idiss
9) Continue of the story of Kehin Baynetna (17 of 19)
10) Hymn: Ya Adra Rhamini
Sunday August 13, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,303 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ya Oum Alla, ya Hanouna
2) Bible Study with Father Nadim Battikh. (Luke 10: 28-42)
3) Hymn: AL Majdou lil Aab Al lazi Khtaraki
4) News from our Churches in Ottawa
5) Hymn: Hail Mary, full of grace (In Syriac Language)
6) Do you know the meaning of the three starts on Mary's Icon?
- Father Nadim Will explain it to us
7) Story of Mary's death and resurrection
8) Hymn: Inna L Baraya bi asriha
9) Continue of the story of Kehin Baynetna (16 of 19)
10) Hymn: L Adra Imm L Hinnie
Sunday August 06, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,322 KB)
The show include:
1) Bible Study with Father Nadim Battikh. (Matt 16 : 27-28 and Matt 17: 1 - 9)
2) Hymn: 3alayki S Salamou bila malal
3) Do you know the meaning of the Anchor in our Churches
-Father Nadim Will explain it to us
4) Hymn: Ma A3zam Rabi A3malak
5) News from our Churches in Ottawa
6) Hymn: Chou 7ilwe S Sama
7) Hymn: Lamma bkareslak Zati
8) Life Story Of Saint Laurent
9) Continue of the story of Kehin Baynetna
10) Hymn: Kilmit inta Kehin
Sunday July 30, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 6,518 KB)
Sunday July 23, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 6,559 KB)
Sunday July 16, 2006 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 6,563 KB)
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