Glory to God Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel
which being interpreted is, God with us (Mathew 1:23)

ها إن العذراء تحبل وتلد ابنًا ويُدعى اسمه عمانوئيل، أي "الله معنا" (متى1: 23)
المجد لله
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In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen

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Sunday 30 December 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 52,525 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Miladouka ayouha L massi7ou ilahouna (Byzantine)
2) Hymn: Nachid Ra3s L Sana (Byzantine)
3) Discussion between Father Nadim Batikh and Mrs. Claude Khourie
4) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Mark 1: 1-8)
5) Hymn: I3tarifou lil Rab (Byzantine)
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: L Fakhouri
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Discussion between Father Nadim Batikh and Mrs. Claude Khourie
8) Hymn: Rabbi Ana Wakatoun Bayda2
9) Discussion between Father Nadim Batikh and Mrs. Claude Khourie
10) Hymn: Inni L yawma Oubachiroukoum
11) Hymn: B milaadak ya Rabbi
12) Hymn: 7kili ya 3adra 7kayi
13) Hymn: Arsala Allah ibnahou yasou3
14) Hymn: Almajdou laka ayouha l massi7 ibnou Llah
15) Hymn: ta3ala baynana
Sunday 23 December 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 52,520 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Miladouka ayouha L massi7ou ilahouna
2) Discussion between Father Nadim Batikh and Mrs. Claude Khourie
3) Reading the Bible of Christmas (Byzantine way)
4) Discussion between Father Nadim Batikh and Mrs. Claude Khourie
5) Hymn: LAylata L milad
6) Discussion between Father Nadim Batikh and Mrs. Claude Khourie
7) Reading the gospel of Christmas (Byzantine way)
8) Discussion between Father Nadim Batikh and Mrs. Claude Khourie
9) Hymn: Slom Lekh Maryam
10) Discussion between Father Nadim Batikh and Mrs. Claude Khourie
11) Hymn: Woulida l massi7 halleluiah
Sunday 16 December 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 52,535 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Alyawm L 3azra2 ta2ti ila l maghara (bysantine)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Luke 14: 16-24) and (Mathieu 22:14)
3) Hymn: 3azimi ya nafsi (bysantine)
4) Pray with me with Caroline Khourie
5) Hymn: 2albi mhayya mghara (Fr. Mansour labake)
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: Listining
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Ya maryam ya oum Allah (Choir of Joy, Damascus)
8) Topic of the hour: Interview with Father Nadim Batikh on The Icon of Christmas
9) Hymn: Ya oum Allah (Choir of Joy, Damascus)
Sunday 9 December 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 52,512 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: A3tini l kalam (Issam Fakhoury and Pierre Rizalla)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Luke 13: 10-17)
3) Hymn: Ta3ala baynana (Fr. Mansour Labake)
4) Pray with me with Claude Khourie
5) Hymn: Adra, Imm Alla
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: Bad intention
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Anachid Jalsat Mazamir Al Sahar lie id L milad (bysantine)
8) Hymn: Ayatouha l maghara (bysantine)
9) Topic of the hour: Interview with Father Nadim Batikh on The Christmas Manger
10) Hymn: Ktar tir L naas L badoun malakoutak (Fr. Tony Khawle)
11) Hymn: Ayatouha l batoulou Mariam (Fr. Tony Khawle)
Sunday 2 December 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 52,516 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Arsala L Lahou Ibnahou Yasou (Feirouz)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Luke 18: 35-43)
3) Hymn: Al majdou laka, ayouha l massi7 Ibnou L Lah
4) Pray with me with Claude Khourie
5) Hymn: Ta3a Yasou3 (Joumana Mdawar)
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: The moment of Love
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Al Massih woulida fa majidouh (Bysantine)
8) Topic of the hour: Interview with Father Nadim Batikh on Celebrating Christmas
Sunday 25 November 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 52,531 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Adra minnik Alla tjassad
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Luke 18: 18-27)
3) Hymn: Outrok Koulla Chay2in Wa tba3ni
4) Pray with me with Rita Rahal
5) Hymn: Rafa3tou 3aynaya (Rita Rahal, Ottawa)
6) Hymn: Koulouki Jamilatoun (Joumana mdawar)
7) Zouwedit L A7ad: The Hate
- By Boudy Traboulse
8) Hymn: Sourit Alla hie L houb
9) Hymn: Hkili ya 3adra hkayi
10) Topic of the hour: reflection with Father Nadim Batikh on decorating for Christmas
11) Hymn: Ta3alou Ilaya moubaraki abi (Wadi Ssafi)
12) Reflection from Radio Charity
13) Hymn: Hamel L kawn hmilti
14) Hymn: mar2it l snin
Sunday 18 November 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 52,517 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Alou yalli bye3bad Alla (Fr. Fady Tebit)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Luke 12: 16-21)
3) Hymn: Anta Koul moubtaghaya
4) Pray with me with Caroline Khourie, host Eldora Aoun
5) Hymn: Ya Yasou3 tjama3an
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: Waznet
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Kiri ya layson (Choir of Joy, Damascus)
8) Topic of the hour: Discussion between Father Nadim Batikh and Jerry Absi on getting ready for Christmas
9) Hymn: AshHadou L hakka (Niclas Osta)
Sunday 11 November 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 52,065 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: L ismik 3am Ssalli
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Luke 10: 25-37)
3) Hymn: Allahou yar3ani
4) Pray with me with Caroline Khourie, host Ghabrialle Jarawan
5) Hymn: Kif badi khaf men l 3atmi
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: Gharib
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Ghirbe
8) Topic of the hour: Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh on “the confession”
9) Hymn: I3tarifou lil rab
10) Hymn: 3akayki S salamou bila mala
Sunday 4 November 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 52,462 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ya mariam L bikrou (Choir of Joy, Damascus)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Luke 16: 19-31)
3) Hymn: Irhamna ya Rab rhaman (Byzantine)
4) Pray with me with Caroline Khourie, Guest Crystal Mghayzel
5) Hymn: Yasou3 anta ilahi
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: Forgiveness
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Ta3alou ilayya (wadi3 Ssafe)
8) Topic of the hour: Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh on “the baptism” of the Roman Catholic Melkite Cathedral in Montreal
9) Hymn: L ard L Ssalla 3layha Alla
10) Hymn: Emmanuel
Sunday 28 October 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 52,510 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ta3alou ilaya ya moubaraki Abi
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Luke 8: 41-56)
3) Hymn: Yasou3 anta ilahi
4) Pray with me with Claude Khourie
5) Hymn: Irhamna ya Rab (Byzantine)
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: Tad7ye
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Bihaza kad 3arafna L mahaba
8) Topic of the hour: Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh on “the abortion”
9) Hymn: L wasaya (Wadi3 L Safe)
10) Hymn: Emmanuel
Sunday 21 October 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 52,501 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Rabbi Ma3i
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Luke 8: 26-39)
3) Hymn: Yasou3 anta ilahi
4) Pray with me with Caroline Khourie
5) Hymn: Inn lam ta3oudou kal atfal
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: The importance of prayers
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: inta l farha inta l3id
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: You shall not covet your neighbor’s good
- By Nicholas L ada
9) Hymn: Anti L zahrou
10) Topic of the hour: Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh on understanding the pain
Sunday 14 October 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 52,403 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Rannimou Li Rabi
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Luke 8: 5-15)
3) Hymn: Nshalla L amha
4) Pray with me: by Claude Khourie
5) Hymn: Ya rab L Salaam (Fr. Labake)
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: wonders of the world
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Hal kounti ta3lamin
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife
- By Nicholas L ada
9) Hymn: Kalbi yatahalal
10) Topic of the hour: Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh concerning Concerning the Euthanasia (mercy killing)
* Euthanasia: The act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment 
Sunday 07 October 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 52,510 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: 7keyet Charbel (Ziad Mrad)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Luke 7: 11-16)
3) Hymn: Irhamni ya Allah (Wadi3 Ssafe and choir of Joy)
4) Pray with me with Carloyn Khourie (PROGRAM FOR KIDS)
5) Hymn: Ya charbel Ssali
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: L Kalem 3an L ness
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Ya awladou Mariam
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: You shall not bear false witness
- By Nicholas L ada
9) Hymn: Achhadou L 7akka (Nicholas Osta)
10) Topic of the hour: Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh concerning the uniqueness of Jesus Christ
Sunday 30 September 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 52,506 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Toubawiyat -Blessed be- (Byzantine)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Luke 6: 31-36)
3) Hymn: Hib L3alam metel ma by7ibak l rab
4) Pray with me with Carloyn Khourie, guest Mireille Fghale (PROGRAM FOR KIDS)
5) Hymn: Madrast L hob
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: L kelme L helwe
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Rafa3tou 3aynaya (Andre Brahim)
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: You shall not steel
- By Nicholas L ada
9) Hymn: A3tina rabi (Majida L roume)
10) Topic of the hour: Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh concerning faith without practicing
Sunday 23 September 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,357 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Laka Tasbi7 wa choukran (Wadi2 Ssafe)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Luke 5: 1-11)
3) Hymn: Lamma Yasou3 byed3ik (Agapee)
4) Pray with me with Carloyn Khourie, guest Stephanie Nebhan (PROGRAM FOR KIDS)
5) Hymn: Ya ibni 3a bait L erbaan
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: Knowing God
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Al Rabou ra3ia
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: You shall not commit adultery
- By Nicholas L ada
9) Hymn: Anti L Touhrou -Mariam-
10) Topic of the hour: Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh concerning “the rage”
Sunday 16 September 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,416 KB)
The show include:
* Hymn: Khaless ys Rab cha3bak (Byzantine)
1) Hymn: Ya man roufi3a 3ala Ssalib Taw3an (Byzantine)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Mark 8:34 – 9:1)
3) Hymn: 3arafta bi an kad ta3assara darbi
4) Pray with me with Carloyn Khourie, guest Sandra Skaf (PROGRAM FOR KIDS)
* Hymn: Khaless ys Rab cha3bak (Byzantine)
5) Hymn: 3a Salib L khachab
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: Trusting God
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: 3inda akdaam Ssalib
* Hymn: Khaless ys Rab cha3bak (Byzantine)
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: You shall not murder
- By Nicholas L ada
9) Hymn: Bi yadi L houbi jabaltani (Nizar Feris)
* Hymn: Khaless ys Rab cha3bak (Byzantine)
10) Topic of the hour: Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh concerning The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
11) Hymn: Ya 3adra L hanoune, ya 3adre L rahoume
* Hymn: Khaless ys Rab cha3bak (Byzantine)
Sunday 9 September 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,412 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ya mariam ya naya Al7an L Sama (Father Mansour Labaki)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (John 3: 13-17)
3) Hymn: Ya oumma Laah (Fairouz)
4) Pray with me with Carloyn Khourie, guest Micheal Chaiban (PROGRAM FOR KIDS)
5) Hymn: Ya mariam ya oumm Laah (Wadih L Ssafe)
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: Adherence to the origin
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Ya oumana ya oumana ya mariamou L 3azra2
8) About the birthday of the Virgin Mary, by Father Nadim Batikh
9) Hymn: Ayatouha L batoulou Mariam (Fr. Tony Khawle)
10) Topic of the hour: Discussion with Mr. Charbel Chaar on “defending the life”
11) Hymn: Ya 3adra L hanoune, ya 3adre L rahoume
Sunday 2 September 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,436 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Sehran Kel Layl 3am Ssalli lak (Father Fadi Tebit)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Mathieu 22: 2-14)
3) Hymn: Irhamni ya Allah (Byzantine)
4) Pray with me with Carloyn Khourie, guest Athourina Dawood (PROGRAM FOR KIDS)
5) Hymn: Kif mn L kawn btihmini (Choir of the holy family)
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: A road of peace and unity
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: 3adra minik Alla tjassad (Choir of the holy family)
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: Honor your father and your mother
- By Nicholas L ada
9) Hymn: 7oubouki ya Mariam
10) Topic of the hour: Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh concerning brothers of Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary
Sunday 26 August 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,442 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Allah nouri wa khalasi (Choir of Joy, Damascus)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Mathieu 21: 33-42)
3) Hymn: ma3na houwa Allah (Byzantine)
4) Pray with me with Francheska Mansour (NEW PROGRAM FOR KIDS)
5) Hymn: Hayati Lahzatoun (Father Mansour Labake)
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: restarting every day
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: shou jdidak inta w Alla (Father Fadi Tebit)
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy
- By Nicholas L ada
9) Hymn: Ikbalni Lyawm (Byzantine)
10) Topic of the hour: Interview with father Ghattas Hajjal about the Convention of North America
11) Hymn: Emmanuel
Sunday 19 August 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,415 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Dawou d dinie Chmou3 (Father Fadi Tebit)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Mathieu 19: 16-26)
3) Hymn: Outrou Koulla Chay2in wa tba3ni (Father Mansour Labake)
4) Pray with me with Carolyn Khourie (NEW PROGRAM FOR KIDS)
5) Hymn: Majdou Mariam (Choir of Joy, Damascos)
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: The wonder starts by us
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: ya 3adra ya hanouni
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
- By Nicholas L ada
9) Hymn: 3an injilak ma men 7id
10) Topic of the hour: Interview with father Nadim Batikh "a way of reading the Bible"
Sunday 12 August 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,371 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ya awlada Mariam (Choir of Joy, Damascos)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Mathieu 18: 23-35)
3) Hymn: Oumouna ya Mariamou (Choir of Joy, Damascos)
4) Do you know why we say “Amen” at the end of each prayer?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Majdou Mariam (Choir of Joy, Damascos)
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: The Mercy
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Fi Zoulli Himayatouki (Choir of Joy, Damascos)
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: I am the Lord your God you shall have no other gods before me.
- By Nicholas L ada
9) Hymn: Houbouki ya Mariam (Choir of Joy, Damascos)
10) Topic of the hour: Interview with father Nadim Batikh concerning the assumption of Virgin Mary into Heaven
11) Hymn: Yam Mariam Ya Oumm Allah (Choir of Joy, Damascos)
Sunday 5 August 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,417 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Fi zoulli himayatouki
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Mathieu 17: 14-23)
3) Hymn: Oumin (Feirouz)
4) Do you know why there is three stars on Mary’s Icons?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Houbouki ya Mariam
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: Every person has a mission
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: The Ten Commandments
- By Nicholas L ada
8) Hymn: L wassaya (Wadi3 Ssafi)
9) Hymn: Tajalayta ayouha L massi (Byzantine)
10) Topic of the hour: reflection with father Nadim Batikh
11) Hymn: Nashid tasbi7 li rabina wa ilahina wa moukhalisina yasou3 (Byzantine)
12) Hymn: Bi Chafa3at walidat L ilah (Byzantine)
13) Hymn: Nachid Li walidat L ilah (Byzantine)
13) Hymn: Anashid Li walidat L ilah (Byzantine)
14) Hymn: Talbat L 3azra2 Mariam
Sunday 29 July 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,413 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ya Rabbi Yasou3
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Mathieu 9: 27-31)
3) Hymn: Irhamin ya Allah (Andre Brahim)
4) Do you know why in the bible Jesus is called “The firstborn son”?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Ya 3adra ya hanouni
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: The unity of the church
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: The purgatory
- By Nicholas L ada
8) Hymn: Sa3idni ya nab3 l yanabi3 (feiruz)
9) Topic of the hour: Interview with Father “Hanna Skandar” concerning his book “2idiss Charbel Kama Chahida Mou3asirouh”
Sunday 22 July 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,413 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: 3adra minnik Alla djassad
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Mathieu 14: 14-22)
3) Hymn: Khebz w Khamr W may Imaani
4) Do you know why God said: Whoever doesn’t accept the Holy Spirit can’t be forgiven?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Haloumma ayouha L rou7 L qoudoss (Joumana mdawar)
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: The boon of changing ourselves
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Ghirbe (Father Fady Tebit)
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: Story of Saint Elias
- By Elie Saleme
9) Topic of the hour: Interview with Sister Jacky concerning the Cathlic Oriantel festival in Montreal
10) Hymn: Emmanuel
Sunday 15 July 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,414 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: 2diis Charbel shou adir
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Mathieu 5: 14-19)
3) Hymn: Nahnou Sahiroun
4) Do you know the meaning of the word heterodoxy “Harta2a”?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Mariam hal kounti ta3lamin
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: The unity
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Asma3ouka Hamissan
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: reflection concerning the hell
- By Nicholas Lkada
9) Topic of the hour: Interview with Father Hanna Dagher concerning the role of the church in the communities
10) Hymn: Emmanuel
Sunday 8 July 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,360 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Chou Helou netla2a sawa
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Mathieu 9: 1-8)
3) Hymn: Yasou3 anta ilaahi
4) Do you know why we call Jesus “The Son of God”?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: AL Kalima Ssara jasadan (Nizar Fares)
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: Story of Hanneh (Old Testament)
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Koulouki Jamilatoun (Joumana Mdawar)
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: reflection concerning the paradise
- By Nicholas Lkada
9) Hymn: 3aynaaka tanzourou ilayya (Nizar Fares)
10) Topic of the hour: Interview with Father Nadim Batikh concerning the meaning behind calling the priest “a Father”
Sunday 1 July 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,409 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Mar2it L sniin (Father Fadi tebit)
2) Bible Reading (Mathieu 8:28- 9:1)
3) Hymn: Sabihou L rab (Byzantine)
4) Topic of the hour: (repeat) Miracle with “Charbel Abdo” (Nine years old)
- A Phone conversation (to Lebanon) with Mr. Georges Abdo (father) and Mrs. Abir Abdo (mother) with the attendance of Father Nadim Batikh, Father Imad barake, Mr. Anis Barake and Mrs. Claude Khourie
Sunday 24 June 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,417 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ya kalban Fadi (Wadi3 Saafe)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Luke 1: 1-80)
3) Hymn: Nashid youhanna (Byzantine)
4) Do you know why the bride and the groom with the priest turn around the table during the wedding ceremony (Byzantine)?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: 3irs qana L jalil (Joumana mdawar)
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: The penitence
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Ya sayid L rahmi (Joumana Mdawar)
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: Life after death
- By Nicholas Lkada
9) Hymn: Hananaka ya rabb l akwan (Andre Brahim)
10) Topic of the hour: Interview with Fr. Imad barake concerning the Clerical vocation
Sunday 17 June 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,414 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Abana (Wadi3 Ssafi)
2) Bible Reading (Mathieu 4: 22-34)
3) Hymn: Abana Fi S Samawat (Father Fadi tebit)
4) Topic of the hour: Miracle with “Charbel Abdo” (Nine years old)
- A Phone conversation (to Lebanon) with Mr. Georges Abdo (father) and Mrs. Abir Abdo (mother) with the attendance of Father Nadim Batikh, Father Imad barake, Mr. Anis Barake and Mrs. Claude Khourie
Sunday 10 June 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,426 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Cham3it Sama Rafka
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Mathieu 4: 18-23)
3) Hymn: Yasou3 khtarak telmiz
4) Do you know why in the Byzantine rite the priest turns his face to the Sacrament but in the western rite he turns toward the people?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Ifrahi ya rafqa
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: The abortion
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: 3inda akdami Ssalibika fi L masa2
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: Judgment of people
- By Nicholas Lkada
9) Hymn: Arjouka rabbi
10) Topic of the hour: Interview with Fr. Nadim Batikh "Mashit L Mardda"
Sunday 3 June 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,363 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Bsm L 2aab, L ibnn L kelme wl rou7 L 2oudous L aw7ad (Fr. Fady tebit)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Mathieu 10:32-38 / 19:27-30)
3) Hymn: Outrouk koulla chai2in wa tba3ni (fr. Mansour labake)
4) Do you know why during the prayers the priest wear ornamented and decorated cloth?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Ilayki ya batoul (Nicholas L Osta)
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: The anger
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Khalli Albak Ssafi (Joumana Mdawar)
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: Ser L fida
- By Nicholas Lkada
9) Hymn: Asirou khalfaka (Agapee)
10) Topic of the hour: Interview with Fr. Ghattas Hajal concerning the Clerical vocation
11) Hymn: Ana koulli Imann
12) Hymn: Emmanuel
Sunday 27 May 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,411 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ya Mariam ya aghla Imm (Fr. Fadi Tebit)
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (john 7:37-13 / 8:12)
3) Hymn: Kyrie Eleison
4) Do you know why we call Mary “the ablaze bramble but not burned”?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Houbouki ya Mariam
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: The king David
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Irhamni ya Allah (Majida Roume)
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: Jesus the son of God Vs. people the kids of God
- By Nicholas Lkada
9) Topic of the hour: Interview with Fr. Nadim Batikh concerning the Pentecost Sunday
Sunday 20 May 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,414 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Rita L killa wada3a
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (john 7:1-13)
3) Hymn: Li2anaka tarani
4) Do you know why we call Mary “The stairs of Jacob”?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Ya Mariamou L bikrou
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: prejudging
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Ya oumana Ya oumana ya Mariamou L 3azra2
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: Jesus is God
- By Nicholas Lkada
9) Hymn: Yasou3 anta Ilahi
10) Topic of the hour: Interview with Fr. Nadim Batikh concerning the Ascension of the Lord
11) Hymn: Man ana Li tad3ouni ibnan laka
12) Hymn: Hananaka ya rabba L akwani
Sunday 13 May 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,410 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Immi hayaati
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (john 9:1-38)
3) Hymn: Nidmaan
4) Do you know why we call Mary “The Ark of the Covenant”?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Mariam Oum LAllah wa Oummi
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: getting worried about the future
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Ilayki L wardou ya Mariam
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: The revelation of the Bible
- By Nicholas Lkada
9) Hymn: Izhabou fi L ardi koullouha
10) Topic of the hour: Interview with Fr. Nadim Batikh concerning brothers of Jesus Christ
Sunday 6 May 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,425 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ayatouha L batoul Maryan Inni Ousalimou Zati Ila ra2fatiki
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (john 4:5-42)
3) Hymn: Ya Oumm Allah
4) Do you know why there are three stars in the Byzantine Mary’s icon?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Bichafa3at walidat L ilaah (Byzantine)
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: High Standard with commitment
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Fi zoulli himayatouki
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: Persistent in praying
- By Nicholas Lkada
9) Hymn: Houbouki ya Mariam
10) Topic of the hour: Interview with Fr. Nadim Batikh concerning the Devine arrangement
11) Hymn: L 3adra Imm L hinnye
Sunday 29 april 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,420 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Al Massi7 kaam
2) Hymn: Laka Tasbi7 wal Choukran
3) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Mark 15:43-16:8)
4) Hymn: Yasou3 anta Ilahi
4) Do you know why God asked Moses to remove his shoes?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Kif btousal 3a s sama
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: the Source and the Swamp
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Assalamou 3layki ya Mariame
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: The story of the “Khashabiyyn” (hard hearted) hard hearted
- By Nicholas Lkada
9) Topic of the hour: Interview with Fr. Nadim Batikh concerning the prove of the resurrection
10) Hymn: Kaama wal Zoulmou Hawa
11) Hymn: Ya 3adra ya 7anouni
Sunday 15 april 2007 (55 minutes, MP3 Format, 23,268 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Al Massi7 kaam
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (John 20:19-31)
3) Hymn: Ash-hadou L 7akka
4) Do you know why Jesus said to Mary the Magdalene “don’t touch me”?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Lamma bkarrislak zati
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: be cheerful to everyone beside you
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: working with love
- By Nicholas Lkada
8) Topic of the hour: Interview with Fr. Nadim Batikh concerning what they called “the lost tomb of Jesus”
Sunday 8 april 2007 (55 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,320 KB)
The show include:
This show is dedicated to Easter, it includes mostly Easter Hymns
1) Hymn: 7ewar Qabl L Qiyama
2) Hymn: Al Massi7 Qaam (Feiruz)
3) Hymn: Al Massi7 Qaam (Byzantine)
4) Hymn: Mariam Qouffi L Bouka2
5) Hymn: L Ard L Ssalla 3layha Alla
6) Hymn: Qaam L mass7 (Maronite)
7) Hymn: Rabbi 3azimatoun A3malouka
8) Hymn: Barikou Rabba Lsama2
9) Hymn: Izhabou fi l ardi koulliha
10) Hymn: Qoumm ya Allah
11) Hymn: Inna L baraya (Andre Brahim)
12) Hymn: Inna L malak (Andre Brahim)
13) Hymn: Inna L malak (Andre Brahim)
14) Hymn: Alyawmou yawm L kiyama (Andre Brahim)
15) Hymn: Al massi7 Qaam (Andre Brahim)
Sunday 1 april 2007 (55 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,421 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: A3tina Rabbi an Naraka
2) Do you know why we say Hosanna?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
3) Hymn: Hananaka ya Rabba L Akwani
4) Bible reflection with Bishop Bchara Rahi (John 12:1-18)
5) Hymn: Emmauel
Sunday 25 March 2007 (55 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,189 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Immi ya kilmi l kawn naadaha
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Luke 1:24-38)
3) Hymn: Salamoun 3alayki ya Mariam
4) Do you know why we call Mary “the mother of God”?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Ya Mariam ya Oum allah
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: Story of Raout and Boaz
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Ya Mariam ji’tou Ouhayiki
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: A Christian’s point of view on work
- By Nicholas Lkada
9) Hymn: EL-Ssidik
10) Topic of the hour: Interview with Fr. Nawras Samour on The Annunciation of the Lord
11) Hymn: bl Akh rsamt L basmi 3a wjouhna
Sunday 18 March 2007 (55 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,240 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Tabarakti ya Mariam
2) Bible reflection with Father Nadim Batikh (Mark 9:17-31)
3) Hymn: Hananaka ya Rab L akwan
4) Do you know why the Incense Chalice makes noise?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Ma doumtou Ahya
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: The freedom of the birds
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Outrouk koulla chai2in
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: The mercy
- By Nicholas Lkada
9) Hymn: Achtakou li houdni L 2aab
10) Topic of the hour: the preparation to celebrate Easter, (interview with Fr. Nadim Batikh)
11) Hymn: Sahran kel L layl 3am salilak
12) Hymn: Khibz w khamr w may Imaani
Sunday 11 March 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,383 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Hakaza A7abba Allah L 3alam
2) Bible reflection with Fr. Nadim Batikh (Mark 8:34 - 9:1)
3) Hymn: Outrouk Koula Chay2in
4) Do you know why the Bishop carries a stick?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Ya Mariam ya Aghla Imm
6) Zouwedit L A7ad: The real Peace
- By Boudy Traboulse
7) Hymn: Salaami O3tikoum
8) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: The meaning of a faith
- By Nicholas Lkada
9) Hymn: Imaani Ssati3
10) Reflection concerning: loving the ennemies
11) Hymn: Chou bienfa3 lamma t7ib Li bi7ibouk
Sunday 4 March 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,478 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: 7ayati La7zatoun
2) Bible reflection with Fr. Nadim Batikh (Mark 2:1-12)
3) Hymn: Ya khatti 2oum Salli ma3na
4) Do you know why during marriage ceremony the priest put crown (Iklil) for the bride and the groom?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Zouwedit L A7ad: Immigrated youth of the roots
- By Boudy Traboulse
6) Hymn: Dakhlik y 2im L 2idra
7) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: The conscience and the preparation for it
- By Nicholas Lkada
8) Hymn: Ana Fi L Madinati Amchi moukta2iban
9) Discussion with “Mr. Tony and Mrs Samar Hage” concerning the preparation for marriage
Sunday 25 Feb 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,348 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ya Mariam Ya Oum Allah
2) Bible reflection with Fr. Nadim Batikh (John 1:43-51)
3) Hymn: Chta2na temrou2 min 3inna
4) Do you know why we call the Holy Spirit: Paraklit (Parakletos)?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Zouwedit L A7ad: The necessary needs
- By Boudy Traboulse
6) Hymn: Fi Wakfati Imtithalin
7) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: The story of the cracked jar
- By Nicholas Lkada
8) Hymn: Ra3i Li
9) Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh concerning the intercessor (Chafi3)
Sunday 18 Feb 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,288 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: A3tina Rabbi
2) Bible reflection with Fr. Nadim Batikh (Mathieu 6:14-21)
3) Hymn: Ssoum men Albak
4) Do you know why we call our holy book “Bible”?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Zouwedit L A7ad: Zakka and Jesus
- By Boudy Traboulse
6) Hymn: Massi7i
7) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: Our mission in life
- By Nicholas Lkada
8) Hymn: Hal Yastati3ou Rrabou bi
9) Discussion with Father Chattas Hajal concerning the Christian fasting
Sunday 11 Feb 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,213 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Sehraan kel L Layl 3am salli lak
2) Bible reflection with Fr. Nadim Batikh (Mathieu 25:31-46)
3) Hymn: 3allimni 7oubuka ya Allah
4) Do you know why the meat Fasting?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Zouwedit L A7ad: Proving that God exist
- By Boudy Traboulse
6) Hymn: Koullou ma fi L kawni
7) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: Knowing God
- By Nicholas Lkada
8) Hymn: Asma3ouka Hamissan
9) Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh concerning brothers of Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary
10) Hymn: 7oubouki ya Mariam
11) Hymn: Jamalak khayyi L Insaan
12) Hymn: Emmanuel
Sunday 04 Feb 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,401 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ilayki L wardou ya Mariam
2) Bible reflection with Fr. Nadim Batikh (Luke 15:11-32)
3) Hymn: Mitl L ibn Chater
4) Do you know why we wear a ring?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Zouwedit L A7ad: Prayer from Mother Theresa
- By Boudy Traboulse
6) Hymn: A3tina Rabbi Kabla koulli 3ata2in
7) Ta3lim Lal 7ayet: A type of individual prayer known as “biblical reflection and observation”
- By Nicholas Lkada
8) Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh concerning the Blessed Sacrament (Body and Blood of Jesus Christ)
Sunday 28 Jan 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,411 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Qatabtilak Ssala
2) Bible reflection with Fr. Nadim Batikh (Luke 18:10-14)
3) Hymn: Irhamni ya Allah
4) Do you know why they say Pharisee?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Kam houwa 3azimoun 7oubouka
6) Seneksar: Saint Efram the Assyrian (28 January)
7) Hymn: 7oubouki ya mariam
8) Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh concerning the season of “the preparation for fasting”
9) Hymn: Ssoum men albak lamma tssoum
10) Hymn: Ya 3addra l hanouni
Sunday 21 Jan 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 19,688 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Fi Zolli Himayatouki
2) Bible reflection with Fr. Nadim Batikh (Luke 19:1-10)
3) Hymn: Ya Yasou3 Ibn LLah Lhay Irhamna
4) Do you know why we say Church?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Kaan ya ma kaan fi Imaan
6) Seneksar: Saint Timothy “Temothawos” (22 January)
7) Hymn: Ya Yasou3 b2emin fik w bi3badak
8) Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh concerning the unity of the church
9) Hymn: Ard L ssalla 3layha Alla
10) Hymn: Emmanuel
Sunday 14 Jan 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 14,411 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ya Mariam Ya Omm Alla
2) Bible reflection with Fr. Nadim Batikh (Mathew 4:12-17)
3) Hymn: Chouo 7elwe ssama 4) Do you know why we open our hands while praying?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Bi Boutros L Tafatet
6) Seneksar: Saint John who lived in a hut (15 January)
7) Hymn: Hayati Lahzatoun
8) Discussion with Father Nadim Batikh on how to pray (Guest Mr. Jerry Absi)
9) Hymn: Kif Bade sale
10) Hymn: Emmanuel
Sunday 07 Jan 2007 (56 minutes, MP3 Format, 16,408 KB)
The show include:
1) Hymn: Ya man ta3amdta
2) Bible reflection with Fr. Nadim Batikh (Mathew 3:13-17)
3) Hymn: Antoum Al-lazina bel massi7 3tamadtoum
4) Do you know why we use the water during the baptism?
- Father Nadim will explain it to us
5) Hymn: Salat taqdiss L ma2 (Byzantine)
6) Seneksar: Epiphany day (6 January)
7) Hymn: Troubaria Eid Zzouhour Al-ilahi (Byzantine)
8) Hymn: Qndak Eid Zzouhour AL-ilahi (Byzantine)
9) Discussion with Father Talal Hachim (from Montreal) concerning the Epiphany day
10) Hymn: Anachid Ssalat L bakirya (Byzantine)
11) Amedni bel naar
12) Asking forgivness
13) Allahoumma Isma3 Akwali
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